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Image by Vikram Mudaliar

Willamette Valley Aquarium Society Bowl Shows

Our bowl shows are contests held during the normal monthly meetings that allows members to showcase the aquatic life that they care for and have them judged against other members’ fish. Click here to view the leaderboards!

Bowl Show Rules

A bowl show is a contest held during the normal monthly meetings that allows members to showcase their fish and have them judged against other members’ fish.

Image by zhengtao tang

What is My Livestock Judged?

There are five categories the fish will be critiqued on: size, color, rarity, health, and overall impression of your fish. There is a maximum of ten points for each category, and each fish will be judged by a team of three judges, giving a possible 150 points total per fish entered. Additionally, one bowl will receive the people's choice award.

Image by Pietro Jeng

What is a "Bowl"?

A "Bowl" is a tank or container that is no larger than 5.5 gallon, no more than 16 inches total length, and flat sided on the clear front panel. Curved surfaces cause distortion in viewing and make judging challenging!

focus photography of gray

What Should I Bring?

Be Sure to bring your fish, the container for your fish, towels for any possible water spills, and at least three gallons your own water. Plants or any other decoration are not allowed in the bowl while judging is going on. Any plants or decorations left in the tank at the time of judging will disqualify your entry.

Image by kazuend

Bowl Show Limits


How Many Entries?

Up to three entries per meeting!

We will allow up to three entries per WVAS member; please note entry allotment is subject to change as more participants begin to enter and space is limited. Pairs are allowed as one entry assuming they are being shown in the same tank.

How Do I Enter?

Arrive early!

When you arrive, please see the bowl show chair, and fill out your entry form(s) for each bowl you are showing. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early, and have your décor removed from the tank and your fish ready to be judged no later than 30 minutes after the start of the meeting as judging will take place an hour after, at the latest.

What are the Prizes?

Cool stuff!

The monthly first place winner will receive a prize, depending on the month. A yearly award will also be granted to the member that has acquired the most points for the year. They receive their award at the yearly Christmas party in December. So even if you don’t win at the monthly meeting, but you are consistent on entries, you still have a chance to win!

Final Thoughts

Use common sense!

Please use common sense when entering larger fish, for example a ten-inch silver dollar in a five-gallon tank isn’t going to work, Further questions and any suggestions are welcomed. Please contact us with comments or questions!

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